Thursday, September 18, 2008

Felix Endless Story

Shortly have coming to light many secrets to be facts after they have been deluded for a long time.  The issues of Felix Homogratus and his most famous website, Forex Peace Army, have been handled for a long time, we were trying to prove their filthy, black intentions and web crimes and our investigation team was doing much effort in discovering all their secrets. Their secrets were hidden because if discovered it would be more than a shock for all traders who unfortunately trust on them.

But as the fact cannot be hidden for a long time and because it is impossible for the sun to stop rising. We have come up with many facts will state them regularly.

We all know Forex Diamonds,, this website which provides Forex signals and which takes good reviews in Forex Peace Army. After investigations it appears to us that Forex Diamonds owner is Felix Homogratus, the owner of Forex Peace Army, and it would be a good justification for why it takes good reviews and votes there. Moreover, the website is designed as if it takes reviews for itself, a close idea to which FPA is built upon. You can visit the website and see all its members are voting for it and no one has a suggestion or a remark on the website services, which doesn't seem to be normal and seems to be propaganda; they make propaganda for themselves which is another way of Felix's. Besides, all these photos there, which are supposed to be the members' photos, are randomly taken from social networks around the web, which is another aspect of Felix cheating ways.

If you look upon all these issues from above, you can see it clear. Felix is propagating his business on the expense of others, giving his project 4 and 5 stars in his reviews while the others are scam, bad, or just 1 or 2 stars. Isn't it disgusting? How can it be for this manifested evil to be let like this? And what about those innocent traders… Who are trapped every day and follow his lies misleading it for being the light.

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